Design Bookmyshow
Step 1: Clarify and Document Requirements
BookMyShow should fulfill the following requirements:
- User Registration & Login: Users can register, log in, and manage their profile.
- Search Movies and Events: Users can browse and filter movies/events by city, date, language, and genre.
- Select Seats: Users can view available seats for a show, choose seats, and hold them temporarily.
- Booking and Payment: Users can complete the booking process by making a payment.
- Notification: Send booking confirmations via email or SMS.
Non-functional requirements:
- Concurrency: Support multiple users selecting seats simultaneously.
- Scalability: The system should scale to handle high traffic.
- Fault Tolerance: If a component fails, the system should recover gracefully.
Step 2: Core Modules and Design Patterns
To build a maintainable and scalable system, we’ll use design patterns to address specific needs in each module.
- User Management: Manages user profile, registration, and login.
- Pattern: Singleton Pattern for
ensures only one instance of the user service is created.
2. Search and Browsing: Allows users to search movies and filter by various criteria.
- Pattern: Factory Pattern to create different search filters and Strategy Pattern to implement different search algorithms (e.g., search by city, genre, etc.).
3. Seat Selection and Booking: Handles seat selection, locking, and booking.
- Pattern: Observer Pattern for seat locking to notify the system of locked or released seats.
- Pattern: Command Pattern for handling booking actions in a consistent, queue-able format.
4. Payment Processing: Integrates with a third-party payment service.
- Pattern: Adapter Pattern to abstract external payment gateway interactions.
5. Notification Service: Sends booking confirmation and reminders.
- Pattern: Observer Pattern to manage notifications as background tasks, decoupling them from the main booking flow.
Step 3: Class Design and Relationships
1. User Management
- User class to represent each user.
- UserService class to manage registration, login, and profile updates.
class User {
private String userId;
private String name;
private String email;
private String phone;
private List<Booking> bookingHistory;
public void viewBookingHistory() { /* Implementation */ }
}class UserService {
private static UserService instance; // Singleton instance private UserService() {} // Private constructor for Singleton public static UserService getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new UserService();
return instance;
} public User register(String name, String email, String phone) { /* Implementation */ }
public User login(String email, String password) { /* Implementation */ }
2. Movie and Theater Browsing
- Movie class stores details like title, genre, language, and rating.
- Theater and Screen classes represent the structure of each theater and its screens.
class Movie {
private String movieId;
private String title;
private String genre;
private String language;
private double rating;
class Theater {
private String theaterId;
private String name;
private String location;
private List<Screen> screens;
}class Screen {
private String screenId;
private String screenNumber;
private List<Seat> seats; public List<Seat> getAvailableSeats(Show show) { /* Implementation */ }
3. Seat and Show Management
- Show class holds information on each specific movie show.
- Seat class represents individual seats with status (available, locked, or booked).
- Pattern: Observer Pattern —
is observed by theSeatLockService
to notify when a seat is locked/unlocked.
class Show {
private String showId;
private Movie movie;
private Theater theater;
private Screen screen;
private Date startTime;
private Date endTime;
public List<Seat> getAvailableSeats() { /* Implementation */ }
}class Seat {
private String seatId;
private String seatNumber;
private SeatStatus status; // Enum (Available, Locked, Booked)
private double price; public void lockSeat() { /* Notify observer about lock */ }
public void releaseSeat() { /* Notify observer about release */ }
Step 4: Booking Management and Seat Locking Mechanism
- Booking and SeatLockService manage booking operations.
- Pattern: Command Pattern to handle booking as a separate task with a queue for processing payments.
class Booking {
private String bookingId;
private User user;
private Show show;
private List<Seat> seats;
private BookingStatus status; // Enum (Reserved, Confirmed, Cancelled)
private Payment payment;
public void reserveSeats() { /* Lock seats and create booking */ }
public void cancelBooking() { /* Release seats and update status */ }
public void confirmBooking() { /* Complete booking */ }
}class SeatLockService {
private Map<String, Seat> lockedSeats = new HashMap<>(); public void lockSeat(Seat seat, int timeout) {
/* Implementation: lock seat and set timer */
} public void releaseSeat(Seat seat) {
/* Implementation: release lock */
Step 5: Payment Processing
- Pattern: Adapter Pattern to integrate with different payment providers.
- The PaymentService acts as an adapter to different payment gateways.
interface PaymentGateway {
boolean processPayment(double amount);
class PaymentService {
private PaymentGateway gateway; public PaymentService(PaymentGateway gateway) {
this.gateway = gateway;
} public boolean makePayment(double amount) {
return gateway.processPayment(amount);
Step 6: Notification System
- Pattern: Observer Pattern — Notifications are queued and sent asynchronously.
- The NotificationService class observes booking actions and sends notifications as necessary.
class Notification {
private String notificationId;
private User user;
private String message;
private NotificationType type; // Enum (EMAIL, SMS)
class NotificationService {
public void sendNotification(Notification notification) {
/* Implementation to send SMS or email */
Step 7: Database Design
- User Table:
- Booking Table:
- Movie Table:
- Theater Table:
- Screen Table:
- Seat Table:
- Show Table:
- Payment Table:
- Notification Table:
Step 8: Sequence Diagram (for Booking Process)
- User selects movie, theater, and showtime.
- System fetches available seats and displays them.
- User selects seats, which
locks temporarily. - User proceeds to payment. On success,
status updates, and seat statuses are set to booked. NotificationService
sends confirmation via SMS/email.
Step 9 . APIs for BookMyShow
Here are the essential APIs for the BookMyShow system:
1. User APIs
- Register User
POST /api/users/register
- Request:
{ "name": "John Doe", "email": "", "phone": "1234567890" }
- Response:
{ "userId": "u123" }
- Login User
POST /api/users/login
- Request:
{ "email": "", "password": "password" }
- Response:
{ "userId": "u123", "token": "jwt-token" }
2. Movie APIs
- Get Movies in City
GET /api/movies?city={cityName}
- Response:
{ "movies": [{ "movieId": "m123", "title": "Movie Title" }, ...] }
- Get Movie Details
GET /api/movies/{movieId}
- Response:
{ "movieId": "m123", "title": "Movie Title", "genre": "Action" }
3. Theater and Show APIs
- Get Showtimes for a Movie in City
GET /api/shows?movieId={movieId}&city={cityName}
- Response:
{ "shows": [{ "showId": "s123", "theater": "Theater Name", "startTime": "18:00" }, ...] }
- Get Seat Availability for Show
GET /api/seats?showId={showId}
- Response:
{ "seats": [{ "seatId": "seat123", "status": "available" }, ...] }
4. Booking APIs
- Lock Seats
POST /api/bookings/lock
- Request:
{ "showId": "s123", "seatIds": ["seat123", "seat124"], "userId": "u123" }
- Response:
{ "lockId": "lock123", "status": "locked" }
- Confirm Booking
POST /api/bookings/confirm
- Request:
{ "lockId": "lock123", "paymentId": "p123" }
- Response:
{ "bookingId": "b123", "status": "confirmed" }
5. Payment API
- Initiate Payment
POST /api/payments
- Request: `{ "bookingId": "b123", "amount
This detailed design covers primary components and patterns needed for a maintainable and scalable system like BookMyShow. Each pattern serves to decouple, modularize, or extend system components, making it well-suited for growth and high concurrency.